Hyper Visual Fighting ARSION, commonly called ARSION, was a popular but short-lived joshi promotion in the 90s & early 2000s. The promotion was founded in 1997 by joshi wrestler Aja Kong after she left All-Japan Women. She ran the promotion until leaving abruptly in 2001, at which point joshi legend Lioness Asuka took over. In 2003, fellow wrestler Yumiko Hotta took over and renamed the promotion “AtoZ”. That was the beginning of the end as ARSION folded in June 2003. Several of ARSION’s top stars remain active today in other promotions.

ARSION had 3 titles-Queen Of ARSION, Sky High Of ARSION, Twin Star Of ARSION-and also recognized the WWWA Super Lightweight Title starting in 2002.

Titles & History:
Sky High Of ARSION
Twin Star Of ARSION