Miho Wakizawa

One of the most beloved wrestlers in the later days of the original All-Japan Women promotion, Miho Wakizawa competed there for 5 years, debuting in summer 1996 and was both a former All-Japan Women Singles and Tag Team Champion, winning the tag team title 3 times. Affectionately known as “Mihokayo”, she was one of the most popular wrestlers in the promotion until her retirement in December 2001, after which she became an entertainer and comedian. But Stardom apparently was enough to bring her out of retirement and is in the midst of preparing for a comeback that could happen in late 2011 or early 2012.

Stats & Info:
Age: 32
Height: 5’4 1/2″
Weight: 139 pounds/64 kg
Experience: 5 years
Finishing move: Fishermans Buster
Current affiliation: Stardom

Titles won:
1-time All-Japan Women Singles Champion
3-time All-Japan Women Tag Team Champion